Enough rumors are circulating that it’s time to be out with it.
Very soon there will be bags available off the shelf for these fine bicycles, no more waiting months for custom orders. We are finishing an initial batch that will be shipping to Salsa shortly.
The geometry of the Fargo, Fargo Ti and El Mariachi are similar enough that they are combined into one bag design per size to fit across the line, we accomplished this through cleaver strap placments which allow the attachments to accomidate slightly different fitting frame geometry. The Spearfish specific bags will be available in a SM/MD and LG/XL bag sizes. All the bags are of a single main zipper design, vertical adjustiable divider and zippered side pocket for it’s proven versatility.
So there you have it, for the time being these bags are going to be distributed by Salsa and available through their dealers (mid/late -March) . If you are interested in one that’s where to find them!